Tag Archives: Homemade Valentines

Valentine's Day

This morning, I made cinnamon biscuits.  I rolled out the dough and cut it into heart shapes……

Like my heart has been shaped…. God uses experiences, people and His perfect love to shape my human heart. There are some calluses, cracks, and dents.  All the same He has bound up my wounds.

I drizzled the glaze over the heart shaped biscuits.  Its sweet yumminess soaked into the warm bread.

God pours His sweetness, kindness, and compassion over my broken heart.  He fills the cracks and craters left behind.  He soaks into my heart.

Lastly, I sprinkled hugs and kisses all over.  Just the perfect topping to this delicious Valentine.

Oh, I couldn’t live without God’s heavenly kisses and hugs. There have been many nights I held His word close to my chest.  Hugging it like a lost child returned to its mother.  I cling. I hold on for dear life.  Desperately thankful for Him.  In prayer, I have felt His “Oh Dear Child” kiss upon my head.  A father’s loving kiss.

May God bless you and shower you with His love on this Valentine’s Day.
