Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho Off to Work

Having a balanced life challenges the best of us.  Personally, I have began this quest to find a balanced life that ultimately will lead to and maintain a content lifestyle.  What I have already established……

1.  Quiet Time with God… check

2.  Exercising…CHECK

3.  Eating Naturally.. NO FAKE FOOD… check

4.  Praying at least twice a day on my knees and consciously using the prayer list I make throughout my day… check, check, and check..

As promised, this week I am taking a look at work ethics.  This one is going to be tough especially with the kids at home.  It is really harder to follow a work schedule when “MOM!!” is yelled a 100 times a minute… I am exaggerating just a bit.. my kids are really not that annoying..to be honest I would rather swim, shop, play, and have fun with them than work!

There are a few things I want to tackle..

1.  Complete what I start.  I am notorious for beginning a sewing project, painting, crochet project, etc and never finish it.  So, that is a goal I want to tackle… finish the project.. no excuses.

2.  Work on my books.  I have two projects in the making…nonfiction on contentment and a fictional story.  I am setting my goal pretty high.  I will alternate each project daily.  It is my goal to write 1500 on the project on its day.

3.  Keep this verse on my lips at all times while working, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men.”  Colossians 3:23 ESV

It is my hope that I can add these to my already jammed packed “work week” of running a household, blogging, writing articles and researching for my book.  No excuses! I guess I need….

4.  Whistle while I work…..or at least sing like Mary Poppins.  I can see my 13yo’s eyes roll…..I make joyful noise.

On Saturday, I looked at the pile of mending that had grown to great heights.  I sat down with my needle and thread.  I had the pile cleared in about an hour.  It really felt good to have finally accomplish that daunting pile.  It took as little as an hour from my day… so what was so daunting about that?  I could have done it instead of watching TV.. hmmmm.. food for thought.  I have already taken meat away.  I might have a great rebellion if I took away the TV.

Enjoy your work day!  God bless…

2 thoughts on “Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho Off to Work

  1. I’m thinking you might be tarred and feathered if you completely remove the tv….although while we were gone on the mission trip I didn’t miss tv at all…hmmmm I might have to ponder that one myself.


  2. I look forward to your books. God created us for community and we really don’t work that well outside of it. So I would suggest that you find a couple of readers for your books and send them a section at a time. It would give accountability, support, and feedback. Just a thought from me. Thank you for your blog and for showing us what an intentional life looks like.


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