
I would love to come speak to your group.

I have spoken in many different settings like small groups, classrooms, congregations, and banquets. I can discuss a variety of topics and would love to customize any topic you may wish me to address to your audience. Here are a few examples of my topics that have been presented:

 Finding Humility While Suffering from “Ideservitis”

We all in some way suffer from the “I deserve” way of thinking. Humility is something all Christians struggle with from time to time. Using Christ as an example of perfect humbleness, discover how we lose sight when we add ourselves to our daily equations of life.

 Heal Your Aching Back

Based on Isaiah 58, a cure is presented for the common “back ache” caused by burdens. See how volunteering and serving others can take the pressure off your sore back!

By the Grace of God and Grandma….

A workshop/seminar style presentation on stewardship. This fun and educational look at how Grandma’s antics helps save money. Plus, with the Grace of God, a fresh look of contentment is conveyed.

  1.  Changing Your Attitude: Understanding the call for Contentment
  2. It’s not worth keeping up with the Jones.
  3. Simple and Manageable Budgeting
  4. Meal Planning and Shopping
  5. Going Green Saves the Green

Life on the Fast Track Will Only Give You a Flat Tire….

 Reviving the Sabbath Workshop/ Seminar
  1.  It’s a Brain Thing: Changing the Idea of Rest
  2. Understanding Work
  3. Understanding God’s Definition of “Rest in Me”
  4. Creating a Rest for You and Your Family
  5. Sabbath Observation Ideas

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