Monthly Archives: December 2009

Inexpensive New Year's

I am all about a party!!  I love to ring in the new year!  I have pretty done it all:  Times Square, dinner party at a fancy hotel, and quiet at-home celebrations.  I have shelled out the dough in the past to experience New Year’s at its fullest.  But what I have discovered, the at-home celebrations have made more of an impact on me and the ringing in the new year than Times Square…. although it was nice, fun to experience and something I will look back on as a fond memory.

This year, Mark’s parents are visiting and we have a quiet celebration planned.  Quiet and very inexpensive……. We will have a game marathon up until it is time to watch the ball drop.  We will play various board games and card games.  We will even get Grandma and Granddad on the Wii….. now that will be something to see!!  We will enjoy not only eating but making  homemade pizza, cheese dip and homemade salsa.

But really makes this celebration is the love within our home.  Getting to bring in the new year with good health, good cheer and remarkable blessings, will leave an impression on everyone’s heart.

May your New Year’s be just as special…… see you next year!!

God Bless…..

All About Water

Every diet plan calls for drinking more water.  When I was in my 20’s, I rarely drank anything other than water.  And if I look back….. I was much thinner in my 20’s!!  Over the years, I have become…. well….I am going to say it like it is…..I have become addicted to carbonated drinks and caffeine.  It is a pitfall and a weakness that I am held bondage over.  And I am not alone……just Google “Addiction to Soda” and see how many hits you get!!  SHOCKING!!

I can not at this point find the root of my addiction to the carbonated stuff.  It could be as simple as the fizz.  Whatever the case, it has to stop.  It is a waste of money and is harmful to my health.

I have researched alternatives that are both healthier and tasty.  I uncovered information on the health benefits to the ingredients and I was amazed. I found this one particular recipe in several books that I have been reading.  It is a “detox” water that helps cleanse and heal.

8 1/2 cups water

1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root

1 medium cucumber sliced and peeled

1 lemon thinly sliced

12 mint leaves

Combine all ingredients and chill in refrigerator overnight so the flavors blend.  Drink all in one day…..

Again, the health benefits of the ingredients is astonishing!  Ginger root is great for gas and has anti- inflammatory  agents.  It also helps fight cancer and boosts your immune system.  The cucumber is known for its healthy skin boosters but it also can lower blood pressure and increases your fiber as well as water intake.  The lemon is an antioxidant and supports optimal health.  The mint is more than just a flavor.  It soothes the tummy and is full of vitamin C and A.

So pour a cold glass and sip your way to a healthier you!!

God Bless…..

New Year's Resolutions

From a Google search, one can find many listings of the Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions.  Some vary from one topic to the next but the similarities are astounding.  It is amazing how simple the list can be……

1.  Lose Weight

2.  Become Debt Free

3.  Get Organized

4.  Add Family Time

5.  Quit Smoking

6.  Quit Drinking

7.  Exercise

8.  Learn Something New

9.  Help Others

10.  Enjoy Life More

Simple enough, huh?

My list this year is going to be quite complex.  I have spent a lot of time praying and meditating on the goals God and I need to accomplish this year.

Living my life as God intended…..

Making God my top priority will allow all the other “resolutions” to fall into place.  I will want to eat better, exercise, do more for others, and spend the time needed with my family.  God wants me to live for Him not for food, the TV, or for my selfish ideals.  2009 laid the foundation needed for 2010.  I learned that God’s got my back.  He will carry me, guide me, and love me the whole way through this journey.

One resolution for 2010….. so simple and quite complicated……But with God anything is possible…..

God Bless

Saying Good-bye to 2009

The days of 2009 filled minds with fear, anxiety, and despair.  It showered parts of the US with flood waters, rising rivers, and broken levees.  It was a financial force that foreclosed, squandered, and cheated many Americans.  It’s promise to be a year of change unfolded before our eyes leaving some with questions, more heartache, and ruin.  Many would say 2009 was a year deemed as “the worst in years.”

2009 taught me many blessing filled lessons that has molded and  changed me.   It was a year that proved that God can be trusted.  He carried the burden of the financial world (our piece of it at least) upon His strong shoulders allowing me to continue to stay home and blogging.  He showed that only He can shed the light of hope in such bleak times especially when we are praying to make it to the next paycheck.  I’ve learned to be courageous in His trust by turning down interpreting and substitute teaching opportunities in order to stay focused on my writing and speaking.  How else do you explain the blurb in the Wall Street Journal about my website and being interviewed for a magazine article.

God placed many people in my life this past year.  He brought two beautiful twin boys into the arms of a dear friend.  Two sweet angels for me to fuss over and to squeeze.  He sent me into the world of Facebook where I reconnected with a dear high school friend.  With the friend came much laughter, fun, and a new neighbor…..she relocated to my community and it is a sweet blessing. Together she and I have reminisced, shed tears and shared a laugh or two only because she found me on Facebook.  God’s journey sent me to Concord, NC this summer to the She Speaks Conference.  There, I met 13 of the most unique and inspiring women.  Each one opened their hearts and arms to me as we bared our souls in our prepared speeches.  To keep them close to my heart, I continue to pray for each lady and visit their blogs and websites often.  They have shown me the way to blogging success and have inspired me to be the Christian woman, wife and mother I am today.  It brought my father a new beginning with a new wife and presented itself for me a new mother, two sisters,  a niece and soon to be two nephews.

God’s healing powers began to work on my heart this year.  He healed wounds that left impressionable scars as reminders that I am anew.  He healed relationships and graced others.  He has tapped open a few barred doors in my soul beckoning me to allow Him in to do His healing work.   His healing love pointed out many flaws that prevent me to allow His complete control over my life.   Humbling myself to allow the healing taught me that God never leaves my side and is there to carry me onward.

2009 has not been an easy year.  Yet, it proved to be the most powerful year in my life.  So as the countdown begins, it is time to wave good-bye to the year 2009 and to welcome another year filled with God’s hope, peace, and love.

God Bless……

Merry Christmas

Christmas carols fills the air.  The gift wrap crinkles at the beat of the music.  Santa’s workshop hops with busy fingers and bursts of creativity.  Santa’s helpers dance to the rhythm and sing with glee because Christmas is almost here.

Putting the finishing touches on our gifts, the time is here to welcome Jesus into our home and to accept His peace, love, and kindness.  Christmas morning will be busy and a time of excitement for everyone.  Take a moment and share the Christmas story.  Unwrap God’s gift this year…….

Starting tomorrow I will be celebrating the season with my family.  I will be back on Monday, Dec. 28th.

Merry Christmas and God Bless…….