Tag Archives: Passover Lemon Bars

Maundy Thursday

Can you imagine the Upper Room?  A feast spread before Jesus and His disciples.  A feeling of thanksgiving for the Passover lingers across the aroma-filled room.  After the feast was eaten, it can be presumed that everyone was feeling satisfied with their stomach full.  Jesus humbly stood up from his seat, poured water into a basin, and quietly began to wash his disciples feet.  Such an intimate service filled with His love.  Imagine what it felt like: God in all his glory, holding your foot, gently washing it as if He was a lowly servant.  The honor and the indescribable love that must have been felt by both.  Jesus simply requested, “Do onto others.”

Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday, a commemoration of the Last Supper in the Upper Room.  What a wonderful opportunity for  you and your family to “Do onto others.”  Many churches have special services just for Maundy Thursday.  However, you can have a small memorable ceremony at home as well…

Begin with a Passover meal:


Matzo Ball Soup

Passover Rolls

Mushroom Onion Matzo Kugel

Beef Brisket

Passover Lemon Bars

Or have another traditional meal from Germany, Hungary, and Austria.

Spinach Salad

After the meal, wash each other’s feet.  Stress to everyone the importance of serving one another.  Then afterwards, plan a service project for your family to do..

God Bless…