Daniel Fast

Call me crazy…  Perhaps I am a glutton for punishment.. I don’t know…  But I have a few things I need to soul search.  Last fall, while preparing for our Lady’s Retreat, I fasted from caffeine and sodas.  I lived on water for an entire month.  Our theme was “the living water” and I felt it was appropriate to choose water as my beverage.  I leaned on God for many things that month.  If it wasn’t for Him, I would have never gotten up and going.  The caffeine withdrawals alone were the worst.  God got me through it.

Also, last year for Lent, I became vegan.  I followed the Pope’s advice from like the 1400’s.  I gave up milk, eggs, butter and yeast as well as breakfast for 6 weeks.  It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.  Really, I noticed a big difference and I lost weight as well.

So this year, I am doing the Daniel Fast.  Yep, I am.

See, Daniel (chapter 1) was selected to serve King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.  The king ordered the handsome, fit and young men to be trained for 3 years before they could actually serve.  Each day the men were given a set amount of food and wine from the king’s table.  Daniel being the good guy he was, refused to violate his Jewish dietary customs.  Now Daniel didn’t raise a stink nor was he rebellious.  He simply asked for permission to only eat fruits and vegetables as well as water to drink.

Okay, here’s the cute thing… the trainer was worried that Daniel would not look healthy and would be under the wrath of the king.  So, Daniel being the quick thinker he was, proposed a 10 day challenge.  After the 10 days, Daniel looked healthier and better nourished than the other young men on the king’s (fast food/processed food) menu.

I’m sure Daniel had the same kind of argument in his head.  “I wish I could have a Big Mac.”  “What does one soda hurt?”  The temptations must have been plenty.  But Daniel held fast to his convictions.  He fought the daily battle and won.. he looked healthier!

In Daniel 10, Daniel had grown older and wiser.  God revealed a vision of what was to come.  Daniel was so devastated that he went into a state of fasting.  He did not eat choice foods, no meat nor wine for 3 weeks.  Any foods that were desirable he refused to eat.

Now here’s the key… Daniel had faith that God would deliver him from the king’s wrath.  He stayed on the straight and narrow.  And yes, God did prevail.  Daniel knew that it was God that would provide sustenance not the king’s tempting foods.  Later in life, Daniel probably didn’t feel like focusing on his needs nor himself after God revealed the vision.  He was broken and grieving.  He used the self-affliction of abstinence to bear his soul to God.  His prayer life heightened while fasting.  God was the only pleasure he allowed himself.

There are several accounts of fasting throughout the Bible.  Each  time it was for a quest to get closer to God or to find out an answer to a conflict.  It is amazing the dependence on God one obtains when striped of desirable foods.     The thought of no meat, no eggs, no dairy, no sugar (or sweeteners), no tea (caffeine), no sodas, no yeast, no processed foods, no deep fried foods (chips), and no butter/ margarine makes me want to fall on my knees right now!!  But the thrill of eating healthy (fruits, veggies, whole grains, unleavened bread, nuts, quality oils (olive oil) and water)  plus depending on God for repentance, intercession, compassion and reward makes me tingle all over… maybe it is early withdrawals.. But any case, the adventure of this year’s Lent (beginning March 9) will be a worthwhile challenge.

Please pray for me as I prepare my mind and body for the changes to be endured.  This is going to be a true challenge but as I know.. Anything is possible with God!!

Enjoy your Tuesday… God Bless…

1 thought on “Daniel Fast

  1. Great thoughts Regina. I look forward to hearing how it’s going. We had the Lent discussion around our table last night. Thanks for sharing.


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